GreatMountain Ranger by Mark Schultz 1

Health update – December 2016

Congratulations to GreatMountain Ranger (pictured) and all the other Chinooks and Chinook Crosses that have received their health results recently.

Name Hips Eyes Other
Granite Hill Timmee Atole Normal
GreatMountain Ranger Normal
Intervale Little Jazz Normal
Intervale Riverstone Beltaine Normal
Seabreeze Nautica Fair

All owners are strongly encouraged to submit health tests to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), regardless of diagnoses by the attending veterinarian. As you submit results, please ensure you have initialed to make any results public as the more we know, the easier it is for breeders to work on making the next generation of Chinooks even healthier. Go to for information on these and other Chinooks.